The Guardian: Netanyahu ‘told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war’

Oof. "Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told New Zealand’s foreign minister that support for a UN resolution condemning Israeli settlement-building in the occupied territories would be viewed as a “declaration of war”. According to reports in Israeli media, the Israeli PM called Murray McCully, the foreign minister of New Zealand, before Friday’s resolution, which was co-sponsored by … Continue reading The Guardian: Netanyahu ‘told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war’

The Washington Post: Trump accuses Obama of putting up ‘roadblocks’ to a smooth transition

Oh honey, you're making enough roadblocks for yourself with this transition. "Trump’s assessment comes amid days of verbal sparring between the outgoing and incoming president. During a ceremony Tuesday marking the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor 75 years ago, Obama cautioned against “the urge to turn inward” and stressed a need to “resist the urge … Continue reading The Washington Post: Trump accuses Obama of putting up ‘roadblocks’ to a smooth transition

The Washington Post: Obama administration is close to announcing measures to punish Russia for election interference

Stay tuned for more! "The administration is finalizing the details, which also are expected to include covert action that will probably involve cyber-operations, the officials said. An announcement on the public elements of the response could come as early as this week. The sanctions portion of the package culminates weeks of debate in the White … Continue reading The Washington Post: Obama administration is close to announcing measures to punish Russia for election interference

The Washington Post: Kerry addresses Middle East peace process amid deep U.S.-Israel strains

"In a response to Israeli criticism that the United States has abandoned and betrayed its closest ally in the Middle East, Kerry said no U.S. administration has done more for Israel’s security than the current one. “The vote in the UN was about preserving the two state solution,” said Kerry, speaking from the State Department’s … Continue reading The Washington Post: Kerry addresses Middle East peace process amid deep U.S.-Israel strains

The New York Times: California, at Forefront of Climate Fight, Won’t Back Down to Trump

Oregon isn't far behind, either! Hopefully we will see a political shift in this country led by the west coast. "President-elect Donald J. Trump has packed his cabinet with nominees who dispute the science of global warming. He has signaled he will withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement. He has belittled the … Continue reading The New York Times: California, at Forefront of Climate Fight, Won’t Back Down to Trump

The Wall Street Journal: Oil Producers Turn to Wind Power

Now we're talking. "Norway’s Statoil ASA is already building its third offshore wind farm, in the Baltic Sea, and is developing the world’s first floating wind farm off the east coast of Scotland. Denmark’s state-owned Dong Energy AS—once a fossil-fuel champion—is now the biggest player in the offshore wind market. A Shell-led consortium won a … Continue reading The Wall Street Journal: Oil Producers Turn to Wind Power

The Washington Post: The Arctic is showing stunning winter warmth, and these scientists think they know why

"The core idea here begins with the fact that the Arctic is warming up faster than the mid-latitudes and the equator, and losing its characteristic floating sea ice cover in the process. This also changes the Arctic atmosphere, the theory goes, and these changes interact with large scale atmospheric patterns that affect our weather (phenomena like … Continue reading The Washington Post: The Arctic is showing stunning winter warmth, and these scientists think they know why

The Advocate: George Takei: “Welcome to the Resistance”

This is a beautiful article, please read it in its entirety. Clip below. "It is axiomatic that little worth fighting for has ever come without a fight. New veterans of our struggle will emerge from the coming clashes. And while we all wish that future generations would not have to face the terror, isolation, and … Continue reading The Advocate: George Takei: “Welcome to the Resistance”